Thursday, 2 February 2012

Tutorial with Paul

  • Clamped down on 'rules' need to do more so
  • Horizon points in each one
  • Relate to a picture - particularly if framed in a TV
  • 3 point perspective - like the rules of a painting, and with the aesthetic landscapes
  • Hightened the painterly look with costumes e.g. the red hat in the caves vs the green, the backpack in the railway tunnel one, as has converging lines on the backpack.
  • Narrative of journey with nothing much going on
  • On the beach would be best to walk directly forwards like the others?
  • Railway track suggests another direction, perhaps needs to be filmed from further back for more of a 'disappearing' point
  • Music is quite cheesy, early 80's sci-fi.
  • Without music more like pictures/paintings.
  • Rigorous minimal aesthetic with a neutral horizon point that seems highly romanticised
  • Faked parts - need to decide if we want them to be subtle (which I think he thought would be best) and to question whether they are relevant if they can hardly be noticed (which he said he did)
  • 3 things going on - the awareness and subtlety of the tricks and psychological element, the sci-fi soundtrack and narrative and the aesthetic painterly quality.
  • Seem like small clips from sci-fi dramas
  • Will they feed into one another or be looped etc (I explained about how it had worked best on the TVs)
Need to fill in self appraisal and prepare for formative review.

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