Friday, 9 December 2011

TV idea

One character white background. At top.

One character black background. Black logically go at the bottom?

Both characters in jeans, barefoot and matching primark white tshirts?

Film in colour but make as black and white as possible.

Get well lit.

List of tricks:

1. One on top jumps, screen at bottom shakes (after effect) maybe have character at bottom look up.

2. One on top cries, could have curled up buried her head in knees, dramatic as won't be able to close up. One on bottom feels water drops, again looks up.

3. One at top walks off screen, walks back on on bottom but from same side so 2 are now in one screen. Film top screen blank.

4. Get a ball person at bottom throws ball up. Top one catches it.

5. One on top trashes pillow around. One underneath feathers fall onto her.(Get cheap pillow make a hole and put a few feathers in. Or a cushion?

6. Top one jumps, maybe glitter/dust falls onto the bottom?

7. Top one can go into top screen, empty screen at bottom.

8. Pick petals off flower. Drop into bottom?

9. Helium balloon at bottom, floats up to top?

10. Bottom one laughs or makes noise so top one lays on floor to listen to what shes saying

11. Top one hits ceeling with broom? Top one shakes?

12. One underneath screams. One on top covers ears.

Put on old TVs? With no sound?


Use just Holly.
Cream dress
black tights
walking black boots
black coat - need to find in sale, ebay or charity shop
black hat - berat or wooly hat, not a beanie
timeless kind of bag.

FOR NOW - Short dress so can't be seen, with Sophie's navy blue coat, beret or Anna's wooly hat, black boots, black tights, dull scarf and Anna's bag. Even though both act try to keep outfit EXACTLY the same.

PLACES to shoot before January 9/10th Tutorial with Mona on 12th!

Monday 12/12/11 before Tutorial at 11.40am and inbetween Sophies diss tutorial and work 3.00 and 5.00 tuesday 13/12/11 -
1. Mirror one in tunnel, already done, but refilm for longer in right clothes?! Make sure the camera isnt tilted.

2. Film from different angles so in an installation the right Anna is on the right and the left on the left staring at the other and us as the viewer is in the middle rather than just on one screen.

3. Try and get the camera central and have the person falling down/climbing up.

4. Maybe stamp feet so setting shakes?

5. Sleeping against wall, just lean. But from an angle further away.

Railway - Monday 12/12/11 After tutorial from 12pm, can go down for the entire afternoon. Take BIG umberella.

1. Refilm the mirror walk on the right hand track and flip it after on FCP. Just have her walking from a dot past the camera. - film from between the two tracks AND from the middle of the one track for perspective ideas. Film from the front.

2. Refilm coming out of the tunnel [Mona loved maybe from further away] Film from head on

3. Refilm walking the track, walking backwards but reverse to walk forwards. Film from head on AND from the sides.

4. Try causiously walking forward so when reversed looks like she's actually walking backwards? Film from head on AND from the sides.

- Tuesday morning before tutorial 13/12/11

1. Hanging. Film in costume for longer, from different angles. Side on and front.

2. Travel through trees, walk backwards but reverse etc. Like that idea in tutorial - trees are still a good nothing place.

- Thursday 15/12/11 get permission from hotel, if not ask offices etc.

1. Get furniture so clothes can be placed rather than thrown. Dont come from anywhere, maybe a corner or just from a cut. Film walking backwards removing clothes.

2. Film walking backwards putting clothes on.

3. Film walking forwards taking clothes off.

4. Film walking forwards putting clothes on.

Film from front - this will be best. Also try from sides, will only catch a little of action, if we can find a crossroad etc in the corridor.

Beach - Wed 14/12/11

1. Mask idea....

2. Walking from waves, walk backwards and reverse so sea etc is reversed.

3. Walk forwards and reverse.

4. Waiting one? like hanging and sleep and mirror?

Field - Some point over Xmas. Hopefully with snow or cows.
Travel across the camera walking backwards/forwards. Also a waiting one?

Caves - Contact woman and book out boat. Not sure what to do on it?

Think most need to be filmed from all 3 perspectives so they will fit in installation on either screen.

Screen 2

Screen 1
Screen 3

Possible screen 4 on the floor.

Filmed so that if you are in the middle all perspective are correct, Screen 2 is from the front/back and goes far out into the distance, and screen 1 and 3 will be from side on angles to give a squeezed in and correct perspective?!

A day in Jan/Feb Ana will help us figure out how to present the work with proj and TVs in installation space. Need some white material to hang for the walls for screen 1 and 3 instead of building from wood and stick white sheets of paper on it where the projectors hit. Cheapest way.

Will also need sound for then so can play with speakers and surround sound.

3 way projections are difficult so Ana suggested creating walls for large HD tvs to hide behind that we can show on in a 3 way format instead. Think we would have to buy these/hire them could be expensive too? Could draw out plans and make maquets.

Instead on stamping on knees smashing floor - would have to fit location.
Beach - could kick up sand like she does the powder?
On beach also walk through water? Bit strange journey through and to nowhere. Could come from in the sea? No begining point.
Jumping reverse could look really strange

CAR PARK nothing space?

2 of the same person to cross walking opposite ways.
Check out horses.

Feedback Tutorial with exhibition for Mona

Depressing sound - works with her being alone
Cant work out tricks but obvious that there is some form of manipulation
Psychological about being nowhere
Negative spaces - nothing
Spaces between places
About 2 people - wrong as we only want to use one.
Journey about going somewhere, even with the hanging and mirror one
Never get anywhere
Sleeping and corridor don't work as well, sleeping doesnt work and the corridor needs to be different, not appear from a door.
Has a begining point - mistake, try Acorns on Bennetts hill for a corridor. Hotel.
Coming out of tunnel, positive one, can't pinpoint where she has come from.
Artist - french woman walks the street at night and is filmed, psycho geography.
Mundane setting but something surreal happens
Use depth more, make her further away perhaps make the viewer stand further away
Placed as 4th person
Niggling sound, boring a hole in head have to focus as its so subtle
Morse code, digital
Messing with head.

Plinths should have been painted
Wires hidden
Flat screens make more alienated
Only one place to stand, manipulated